Friday, November 2, 2012

For Patty & Marty

While I'm still trying to fix my blog header and background, I wanted to post this little vinyl project.  Patty & Marty are getting new monogrammed leashes for Christmas.
(Still learning - I wanted the front side picture first)

This is the back side:

Front side:

I also found these little goodies at Target for their stockings:

Bows for Patty's Christmas outfit
 Charms - I'll take off the large ring.
They will be so excited !!  They really do love to open their gifts.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Trying again...

I've been inspired to give this blog another try.  When I added this cute background, my title got smaller and is white. Gotta figure out what happened and how to make "Carol's Clip Joint" bigger.

I'm working on my first paper bag album.  It will include photos taken recently at Little River Canyon and  DeSoto State Park in north Alabama.  The leaves were at their peak fall color. Here's a sneak peek:

I need to get my photos printed so look for the finished album soon.